Significant Achievements
Seminar on Child Development and intelligence Communication on 27 September 2018.
Participated in inter collegiate sports competition and won first prize in Athletics 800 meter Race 28-30 December 2018.
Celebrated Constitution day 26 November 2019.
Motivation to ban on single used Plastic after the prime minister called for a ‘movement’ against its use on 2nd October2019.
As per govt. scheme successfully conducted Plantation program in college campus and its surroundings on 24 June 2019.
Seminar on Hindi Diwas 14 September2018.
Padhe Jhansi Badhe Jhansi Educational activities held on 16 December 2019.
Educational seminar held on New Teaching Methods 23 December 2019.
Work shop held on Personality development skill 7 January 2020.
Participated in awareness really on National Voter day 25 January 2020 ( For Voter Rights).